A Sri Lankan student wins Grand Award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2019


The National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) organizes the Sri Lanka Science and Engineering Fair (SLSEF) annually with the objective of enhancing innovative thinking, creativity and investigative ability amongst school children in the country. National level winners of the SLSEF are eligible to represent Sri Lanka at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) which is held in USA.

 The SLSEF 2019 was successfully held on the 11th February 2019 at the main auditorium of the IESL. Twenty participants competed at the SLSEF and a Selection Panel comprising eminent scientists/ academics and engineers evaluated the candidates and selected three projects to compete at the Intel ISEF which was held from 12th - 17th May 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Intel ISEF is the World’s largest international pre-college science competition, a program of Science for Society. Approximately 1,800 high school students from more than 75 countries, regions, and territories get the opportunity to compete at the Intel ISEF.

The safe gas regulator invented by Master W A K B Udapola won the third place in Grand Awards at the Intel ISEF 2019 under the category “Embedded Systems”. This is a device to protect lives and properties from the hazardous situations/accidents caused by unexpected gas leakages which occur from the LP gas cylinders fixed to different types of burning instruments. The main purpose of developing this apparatus is to ensure human safety in using LP gas for different purposes.