NSF forges partnership with Sarvodaya to enhance its outreach

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On invitation of Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, Secretary General of  the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement (SSM), Emeritus Prof. Ranjith Senaratne, Chairman and Dr. Dilrukshi Ranatunga, Head, Science Popularization Division of NSF visited  the SSM head office on 19 Feb 2021  with a view to expanding its the outreach  through constructive engagement with SSM. The visit  coincided with the monthly meeting of the Sarvodaya   district leaders which afforded the NSF a valuable opportunity to interact with district  leaders. 

Dr. Ariyarathe made introductory remarks on the  scope, goals and objectives of the SSM and invited Prof. Senaratne  to address  the meeting which resulted in active deliberation on prospective areas for cooperation and collaboration. It was decided to sign an MoU between the two institutions to institutionalize  cooperation for community development. Initially, a suitable village from the North, East and South of the country will be selected  and the NSF and SSM will work in concert with a university in the respective regions for  community development  through S&T with special focus on women.. This will afford a new direction, dimension and momentum to the outreach activities of NSF.
Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne made a reciprocal visit to the NSF on 01. March 2021  to discuss the draft MoU which is due to be signed in late March 2021.