NSF Chairman delivered keynote address on the Postgraduate Day of 2022, University of Moratuwa

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The University of Moratuwa conducted UoM Research Week 2022  from 1-9 December, 2022 under the theme "Connecting  Academics, Practitioners and Society - Towards Crisis Resilient Research Frontiers". It included   a wide range of programmes engaging undergraduates, graduate students, academics, industry and community.

Prof. Ranjith Senaratne, Chairman of the National Science Foundation delivered the keynote address entitled "Needed: Transformation of our universities

into fountainheads of innovation and seedbeds of novel enterprises" on the Postgraduate Day -  December 5th. It was organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Moratuwa under the direction of Prof. Ajith de Alwis, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies.