New opportunities for academic cooperation with Norwegian Universities

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Prof. R.M. Chandima Ratnayake of the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Material Science, University of Stavanger, Norway visited Prof. Ranjith Senaratne, Chairman of the NSF on 30 December. They held detailed discussions on possible areas  for cooperation including improvement of  food and nutrition security, holistic  approach for minimizing crop losses due to wild animals and use of Science Diplomacy  as a powerful force of building national unity and friendship among nations.

Ms Thilinakumari  Kandananulla, Scientific Officer of the International Affairs Division of the NSF who proposes to do doctoral studies on Science Diplomacy also joined the discussion. It was decided to continue the discussion on the said areas with a view to formulating proposals for possible funding by external sources. Prof. Ratnayake will conduct a webinar on opportunities available in the Scandinavian countries for higher education and scientific cooperation.  He  is due to visit Sri Lanka again in mid 2023 which will lay foundation  for NSF-facilitated partnerships between Sri Lankan and Norwegian Universities.