Partnership meeting with DFCC Bank

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Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is the connection between the public and the private sectors for development of infrastructure and services with the aim of delivering better services and results by adding value to expenses. NSF has recognized PPPs as one of the main approaches in addressing the present constrains in delivering its services by optimizing the use of public funds and enhancing the quality of services provided by the NSF.  Meeting with the DFCC was one of the tasks aiming at reaching the said objectives. Accordingly, the Director General of the NSF and the team met  the Vice-President/Marketing & Sustainability of the DFCC Bank with their team at the DFCC Head Office on 05th January 2023 with the objective of establishing a frutful partnership. During the discussion, arrangements were done for the proposed TV Science Magazine, which is to be produced jointly with Charana TV. Mr Wajira Jayawardena/ Programme Head of Charana TV made a presentation to the gathering as a member of the NSF Team on the concept and the format of the proposed TV Science Magazine.