Colour has profound physiological and psychological effects on human beings, and it could affect the mood, emotions, behaviour, memory and even productivity and performance. In addition, colour has therapeutic effects and a healing power.
Therefore, the choice of the right colour/s for the right purpose is of prime importance which goes far beyond the aesthetic and visual appeal. Consequently, disciplines such as colour chemistry, colour psychology, visual ergonomics, architectural psychology, neuro-psychology and chromotherapy have developed in many countries. However, these aspects have, thus far received only scant attention in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, the SLAAS joined forces with the NSF and conducted a national conference on "The Art and Science of Colour: Optimizing Experience, Interaction and Wellbeing" at Waters Edge, Battaramulla on 20 Dec 2023. It was attended by high-profile scientists and professionals in a wide range of fields, including visual arts, architecture, archaeology, physics, chemistry, psychology, communication, physiology and medicine from home and abroad to reflect on the said theme.
Dr. Anishka Hettiarrachchi, Senior Lecturer in Architecture, University of Moratuwa played a pivotal role in organizing the event. Emeritus Professor Jagath Weerasinghe, University of Kelaniya was the keynote speaker while Prof. Arthuras Kaklauskas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, Emeritus Professor Nimal the Silva, Univ. of Moratuwa, Emeritus Professor K.D.N. Weerasinge, University of Ruhuna, Dr Anishka Hettiarrachchi, Faculty of Architecture, Univ. of Moratuwa and Dr Ranjith Dharmathilake, Univ. of Visual and Performing Arts served as resource persons.
It was noteworthy that several distinguished architects in the country attended the conference. It was held under the patronage of Nippon Paint and its proceedings will be published.