The National Science Foundation (NSF) conducts Kids Naturalist Programme annually since 2020 aimed at students of grades from 1-6. The main objectives of this programme are to encourage students to observe the nature they live in by following scientific methodologies and to prepare a Nature Journal. The final- goal of this whole exercise is to nurture an environment sensitive future generation with strong instinct for conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The students who participate in the progrmme are expected to prepare a “Nature Journal” based on their observations carried out over a period of 6 weeks under the guidance of relevant teachers. Therefore, to make the programme more effective and productive, the NSF initiated a teacher training programme in training teachers on “correct scientific methodology for nature observations and guiding students to conduct their nature observation projects”.
The first programme of this series was conducted on 06th September 2024 at Sri Dharmaloka College, Kelaniya. A total of 142 teachers representing the education zones of Gampaha, Kelainiya, Minuwangoda and Negombo participated in the training programme. The Principal of the Sri Dharmaloka College, Kelaniya Mr. Vipula Kulathunge welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of the Programme. Dr Dilrukshi Ranathunge, Head of Science Communication and Outreach Division (SCOD) presented the role of the NSF in developing scientifically literate society and also discussed background and general guidelines of the NSF Kid Naturalist Programme. Dr Jayantha Wattavidanage, Chairman of the NSF Working Committee on Science Popularization, in his presentation highlighted the importance of creating a nature sensitive child and discussed possible ways that teachers can achieve this target. He also has given directions on animal observations and the diversity of fauna that students can observe in their school gardens and in their home environment. Prof. Dharmadasa, Director, Herbal Technology Division, of ITI guided teachers on how to select a topic related to agriculture, floriculture etc., diversity of plant species and specific unique characters associated with plants. Mrs Maduka Senarathne, a Senior Scientific Officer of the NSF discussed the preparation of a Nature Journal and how to make it more attractive and comprehensive. Group activities were conducted giving hands-on experience for teachers to engage their school children in Nature observation programmes. At the end of the programme teachers presented their group activities to receive further comments and suggestions for improvements from the resource persons. The programme was organized by the Science Communication and Outreach Division (SCOD) headed by Dr Dilrukshi Ranathunge under the guidance of Dr Sepalika Sudasinghe, Director General of NSF.